Wednesday, 8 February 2012

S4 parents' evening

This evening's meetings gave teachers and parents the opportunity to meet to discuss the progress of S4 pupils. I was delighted to see that most S4 pupils were represented on the evening by their parents/carers. These face to face meetings allow for information to be exchanged and strategies to better prepare pupils for the exams to be explored.

It is my experience over the past thirty years that pupils do best when parents and school staff work closely together to support children's learning. With over three months to go before the final exams begin there is still plenty of opportunity for pupils to put the hours in and do even better in the final exams. I would like to take this opportunity of offering a sincere thank you to all parents who came to school tonight and urging those who were unable to attend to make an alternative time to meet with us in the next few weeks. When parents and teachers work together pupils always do better.


  1. As a parent it was great to come to school and meet up with the teachers. I am always impressed by how well they know my child and how committed they are to the learning for thier subject. However it was very disappointing not to be able to get an appointment with the teacher we most want to meet with. I know some subjects are universal so it puts extra strain on the teachers on nights such as this - maybe have an additional night for subjects such as English ?

  2. Thank you for sharing this feedback. At Friday's meeting with Principal Teachers, I raised this point about some parents not being able to see their child's teacher on that particular evening. One option mentioned was, where there are more parents to see than there are slots available, that priority be given to the parents of children who are underperforming. We agreed that we would return to this discussion in order to find the best solution for future parents' meetings.

  3. "...where there are more parents to see than there are slots available..."
    This simply should not arise. Every parent who wishes to should be able to speak to their child's teacher at least once a year. Perhaps a single night for a whole year group is not realistic.

    1. We tried having two nights for S2 this year. This was successful in allowing more opportunities for parents to meet with teachers over two nights.
