Friday, 8 April 2022

Friday 8 April

As another busy and productive term draws to a close I’d like to thank everyone in our school community for your contributions to the continued running of the school.  In particular, thanks to our students who have stayed focused and positive throughout what has continued to be a most challenging time. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all students in S4, 5 and 6 all the very best for the exams that start the week after the Easter Holiday. As this is the last full week for our S6 and a few in S4 and S5 who are moving on to chapters new, I’d like to wish them every success and happiness for the future. Very best wishes also to Mrs Ann Fraser (Classroom Assistant) who leaves us after 29 years’ service and to Ben Lewis (Head of Maths and currently Acting DHT) who takes up his new role as DHT at Queensferry High School after the Easter break.


 The number of pupils testing positive for Covid over the past 7 days was 34.  This is 2 more than last week.


  1. I will email parents and students in the latter half of the Easter Holidays with news of any changes to our COVID arrangements at JGHS.
  2. The aim of Gàidhlig Beò is to give our GME pupils opportunities to use their Gàidhlig in a social setting while doing fun activities. We want to provide leadership, teamwork and creative opportunities as well as the chance to link up with GME pupils from other parts of Scotland. Over the next few weeks we have several exciting opportunities which are open to GME pupils in S2 and S3 including watersports, climbing, biking and an overnight camp with GME pupils from Glasgow. There are mentoring opportunities for GME pupils who are currently in S4 and S5. If you have not already signed-up your child and would like to find out more or register an interest, contact Mr MacLellan:
  3. Over the last few weeks, students sitting SQA exams will have been finding out their estimates in discussion with their teacher. Teachers have also been working hard where possible to gather final pieces of robust evidence to contribute to your child’s estimate. A summary of estimate bands will be sent to students and parents/carers during the week beginning 18 April.
  4. The Parent Council wants to hear from parents about how online parent consultations with teachers have been working, and your views on whether we keep this format or go back to in-person meetings.  What has worked for you and what has not? In the future, what sorts of school events are best held in the school and what can be done online? Our survey will be running over Easter and can be completed here: Parents' Evening Survey It will only take 5 minutes and we want to hear from as many parents as possible.
  5. For those who missed the HPV vaccine this week, Child Health are arranging some mop-up clinics primarily for the following students:
    1. S5-6s
    2. S4s who aren’t attending school next year
    3. Please call their office on 0131 446 4082 to arrange an appointment. Please be assured that students who missed the vaccine will be recalled next year if still at school.
  6. Thank you to all who have contributed to our Ukraine fundraising appeal. The total raised is £2,820 and rising. All donations via ParentPay.  
  7. Covid protocols 
    1. Anyone testing positive for a Lateral Flow Test (Home Test) should immediately self-isolate in line with current Government Guidelines.
    2. Taking regular lateral flow tests and getting vaccinated are among our best mitigations to limit the spread of Covid. You can find out where to get lateral flow and PCR tests on the NHS website. The vaccination booster programme has expanded, so you may now be eligible to book yours. But, again, the NHS website has the information you’ll need.
    3. Please continue to access the NHS Guidance so that you will know when you should get tested for Covid19.
  8. Easter Basketball Camps are as follows:
    1. S1&2 Camp from 1-3pm each day
    2. On Tuesday & Thursday Girls camp from 3-5pm
    3. Monday, Wednesday and Friday 3-5pm U16&18 camp
    4. you can access all by following link below
  9. Congratulations to:
    1. Our senior boys’ basketball team who were narrowly defeated in the Scottish cup final on 31 March 2022.
    2. Isaac Murdoch (S4) who received two awards on Monday -  Chief Scout Platinum Award (Chief Scouts Platinum Award | Scouts) and Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. He completed this with the support of Meadows Explorers Scouts, including volunteering weekly with Beavers, an expedition in the Pentland hills and getting his local community involved in planting a wildflower meadow to increase biodiversity
    3. Aliyah Faulds (S2) who was successful in an audition she did earlier this year and has passed into the NYCOS National Girls Training Choir. She will therefore be attending a residential choir event in the Easter holidays and singing in a concert at the RNSO centre in Glasgow on April 16th.
  10. Dates:
    1. 25 April All resume
    2. 26 April Exam leave starts
    3. 10 and 12 May S1 Parents’ evenings
    4. 17 and 19 May S2 Parents’ evenings
    5. 17 May Parent Council meeting


My quote for the week: "The greatest thing about tomorrow is I will be better than I am today.” (Tiger Woods)


Best wishes to all for a wonderful Easter holiday.


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