Friday 24 September 2021

Friday 24 September


I hope all enjoyed the long weekend and managed to take advantage of the continuing good weather. The number of Covid cases in our school community during the past 7 days is 10. This is the same number as the previous week. Thanks to all for your support in minimising opportunities for virus transmission.


  1. Our next Parent Council meeting is our AGM on Wednesday 13th October.  As we are still unable to meet in person, please email us at jghscouncilcomms@gmail.comahead of the AGM if you would like to join the Parent Council or would like to find out more about what the PC does.  Membership is open to all parents and carers within the JGHS community and our role is to represent parents’ views and to work with the school to create a school which is welcoming for all parents. More information is also available on the PC website a recording of our last meeting on Tuesday 7th September.
  2. As we prepare for the continued rollout of the CEC Empowered Learning 1:1 device project, we are working hard to recover the IT equipment which was borrowed during the school closures of the past year. It is essential that all of these devices are returned for annual maintenance and more importantly, that they may be used across the faculties throughout the school day. If your child still has one of the iPads with a black label on the back marked W-JAM-***** or a silver HP laptop with a similar black label on the front, these must be returned to the school reception along with their chargers immediately.
  3. Thanks to Mr Andrews who is starting up the homework club again. It is going to be on Thursdays after school for about an hour in the library. It has been targeted mostly at S1s in the past but we can get a variety of students coming along.  We will be inviting S6 to help out. Pupils are invited to come along and get help with homework, preparation for tests etc.
  4. Due to current national supply chain issues, we may need to change our dining room menus at short notice as we adapt to the changing situation.  Pupils with special diets will continue to be catered for, but menus may differ from those on ParentPay.
  5.  Last year we raised over £400 when students took part in our 5km challenge for the YoungMinds  charity. This year, hopefully, we can raise even more. We will send details out next week to explain what you can do to contribute.
  6. S1 and S2 Instrumental Music Auditions: Many thanks to all who have applied for an instrumental music audition. We have had many applications and guarantee every pupil will receive an audition. However, due to the number of spaces we have available and number of applicants, we are unable to guarantee everyone a place in instrumental lessons. Pupils should check the Performing Arts noticeboard (ground floor of Muriel Spark) on Friday 1 October for audition times.
  7. Next week we are starting a pilot programme called ‘School of Basketball’ alongside the local community basketball club Boroughmuir Blaze. This will be led by coaches from Blaze and will involve pupils from S2 and S3. The programme aims to improve confidence, leadership, engagement and wellbeing through the means of basketball.
  8. A reminder to parents to ensure that bags, items of clothing etc. have names on them. This will help us in returning these to the rightful owners when they are ‘lost’
  9. Parents and carers of S1 pupils:  If you would like to know more about careers support for your young person throughout their time at school then please sign up to hear about the role of Skills Development Scotland (SDS) careers advisers in schools, including information to support career planning. (29 September)
  10. The Council is pleased to announce a new Parental Engagement Locality Group for the parents of children and young people with Additional Support Needs in mainstream schools. This group will ensure that parents of these learners are able to meet to discuss specific issues related to meeting additional support needs in a mainstream setting. The group will meet four times over the school year and will feed in to the CEC Consultative Committee with Parents (CCwP). The first meeting will be held on Monday the 27th of September 18:30-20:30.  Click here to join the meeting
  11. Covid-19: we should all continue to be vigilant towards minimising opportunities for transmission.
    1. The number of positive cases in our school community in the past week was: 10. (compared with 10 last week)
    2. Please continue to access the NHS Guidance so that you will know when you should get tested for Covid19.
    3. Details of how to access Covid vaccination clinics for all aged 12 or over can be found here.
    4. Remember to tell us the results of the Covid19 test and any advice you have received in regard to attendance at school.
    5. As always, email or phone the school if your child Is absent and do tell us if your family is waiting to be tested for Covid19. This is recorded differently in the school’s attendance register.
  12. Please encourage your son/daughter to dress appropriately for the unpredictable Scottish weather. Classroom windows will be opened to allow air circulation and, other than in really wet weather, pupils should be outdoors at breaks and lunchtimes.
  13. Dates:
    1. 29 September Careers introduction and information (online session) for S1 parents
    2. 30 September Staff Flu vaccinations (postponed from this week)
    3. 30 September Pupil Flu vaccinations
    4. 5 October S3 Parents evening (Details of how to book appointments were emailed earlier this week)
    5. 15 October Mid-term break


Warmest congratulations to:


  1. Sorcha Thompson (S6) recently achieved a Distinction for her Grade 8 Trinity Clarsach Exam.
  2. Josh Daunt (1R1) received a bronze medal in the u13 race and Dylan Daunt (3R1) received the silver medal in the U15 race, both running for Edinburgh Athletics Club at last weekend’s Oriam Trail Race over 2.7 Km.
  3. Laurence Ward (S3) who won the Scottish Cup junior orienteering league 2021 last weekend, and has been selected to run for Scotland at this weekend’s Junior Inter Regional competition in Tyneside, and also at the Junior Home International competition in October in Surrey.


My quote for the week: ‘Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today’.(Malcolm X)


Best wishes to all for a delightful weekend.


My weekly emails are available to view on my Headteacher Blog.


Donald j Macdonald (Headteacher)

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