Saturday 6 February 2021

Friday 5 February

 Dear Parent/Carer, 

Following the Government announcement on Tuesday of this week, we are now planning towards bringing a limited number of senior pupils into school from 22 February for the purposes of completing assessment related work that cannot be done online. This will take a bit of time to set up as we familiarise ourselves with the evolving Health and Safety guidelines and the latest advice from the SQA. The current in-school arrangements for Keyworkers’ children and others who need some extra TLC will continue as per the past few weeks. Every weekday between 30 and 50 pupils have attended our in-school provision and we would like to thank them all for their hard work, kindness, patience and understanding. We would also like to acknowledge the incredible hard work of all our teaching, admin, catering, cleaning and janitorial staff for the smooth running of this temporary learning environment. Over the half term holiday, there will be no provision between 8 and 15 February inclusive. The in-school provision will continue from 16 February until further notice.

 If your child has attended the Hub in January you will have been sent an email with some important changes to administrative procedures for February. You child will also have been sent an email with a link to an short evaluation form. Please encourage your child to complete the evaluation and if you would like to contribute as a parent please email your feedback to

 The first week back after the holiday (Tuesday 16 - Friday 19 February) will be a consolidation and review week of learning. As is normal practice after a holiday, teachers will review work to consolidate pupils’ understanding.

 What does this mean?

  1. Teachers will still have 'live' lessons at the normal times, but these will be focused on the consolidation of prior learning, completion and/or development of existing work, and sharing feedback.
  2. Teachers may also invite a small group of pupils to a 'live' lesson, to offer more support to pupils who would benefit most from the smaller learning environment.
  3. Teachers will continue to post work, but this would be an optional extension task with no requirement to complete by a certain deadline.
  4. No new deadlines will be set that week, so the week beginning 22 February is a 'fresh start' for all.
  5. Pupils will still follow their normal timetable the week beginning 16 February and S1 and S2 pupils will still follow their rotation of subjects for the time being.

This rotation is attached to this email. This review week of learning will benefit pupils as an opportunity to catch up with any outstanding work which will aid future learning and progression. This should also support pupils who are feeling 'behind' in some of their work and are becoming anxious about this. Our aim is to ensure the best learning experience for our pupils during this time, and we will continue to review our practices and make adjustments where necessary.

 To that end, as you may already be aware, we are currently seeking parent/carer and pupil feedback on how we are doing as a school in supporting your children with their online learning.

We will use this to find out what is working well and what we need to do differently to improve. You can access the Parent/Carer survey here  We have extended the deadline for the pupils completing the pupil online learning survey until 5pm on Monday. The pupil survey link has been posted on Key Adults teams and Year Group teams.

 We greatly appreciate you and your child taking the time to complete these. We will share a summary of the results with you, and what we intend to do in response. 

 Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting that was organised and hosted by our Parent Council on Tuesday on capacity contingency proposals and to all those who put forward comments and questions.  Following the meeting, the Parent Council have sent a response on what was presented to the school and the Council, and that letter is available on the Parent Council website at: The meeting itself was recorded and can be viewed at  The next Parent Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 23 February and further details will be sent out nearer the time.

 I’d like to thank our Parent Council for organising Tuesday night’s meeting to talk more about our plans to combat the challenges that arise from having insufficient classroom accommodation for next session. As a school, we would prefer not to be in the unfortunate position of having insufficient teaching spaces to cater for our increased numbers from August 2021. That having been said, I’m confident that the option we have settled for offers the best way ahead for us. As a follow up to the Parent Council meeting on Tuesday , we have sent an email to all S5 Parents/Carers detailing our next steps in our Capacity Planning for 2021-22.  This includes the setting up of a working group of interested S5 students and parents/carers to work with us as we refine our plans for next year’s AH courses. If you or your child are interested in being a part of this group please email  Please ask your S5 child to check their S5 Year Group Announcements Teams page.  Here we have uploaded a PDF detailing everything so far.  This is the most reliable way to ensure everyone is able to view the information regardless of the device they are accessing it on.  Following the February break, there will be an opportunity for S5 students to meet both Mrs Stewart and me on a Teams meeting on Thursday 18 February.  There will also be a survey link provided for all S5 students planning on studying AH courses in 2021-22 so they can share concerns and feedback confidentially with us.

Please note that schools are on holiday from Monday 8 to Monday 15 February – both dates inclusive. The school will be closed to all pupils who have been attending in person over recent weeks. No homework or assignments will be set during holidays for pupils in S1,2 and 3. Pupils are expected to read for pleasure and get as much exercise and fresh air as possible within the current guidelines.

If you are contacting the school for any reason, please use email rather than leaving a telephone message.

My quote for this week:
“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” (Mandy Hale)

  I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and relaxing February break.

  Donald j Macdonald (Headteacher)

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