Friday 20 March 2020

Friday 20 March

  1. I’d like to take to begin by thanking everyone (Parents, Staff, Pupils, JHGS Parent Council, JGHS Trust and all external partners) for their help in supporting the school whilst we adjust to rapidly evolving and quite unpredictable circumstances. In this ‘Friday Update’ I’ll focus on and say a bit more about the three groups of people specifically referred to in the Deputy First Minister’s statement on Thursday 19 March 2020.
    1. Educational continuity The2020 diet of exams in April, May and June have all been cancelled. Examination awards will be issued in the normal way to all candidates in August this year. These awards will be based on estimates provided by the school. I anticipate that these estimates will take into account the range of evidence we have from when pupils started with us in S1, in addition to our experience of how much all pupils improve between sitting prelims and taking final exams. Teachers are currently collating evidence, processing al the advice from SQA etc. We will be in touch with specific groups of pupils, as opportunities permit in the coming weeks, where it is deemed appropriate, practicable and necessary to obtain additional evidence.
    2. Key Workers’ children. Councils and schools are currently making arrangements so that Key Workers (a definition will follow from the Scottish Government) can be supported to maintain their roles in society.  It is anticipated that their children will be provided for in a variety of educational settings. I expect the details around this to be shared with parents in the next few days.  Your patience will be appreciated whilst this is happening.
    3. Vulnerable children. Councils are planning to maintain protections and support for children who may be particularly vulnerable in the current circumstances, particularly in respect of free school meals, children with additional support needs and at-risk children. At year group meetings in the past 2 days I have suggested to pupils that all in our society are vulnerable to varying degrees. We will all, regardless of age or circumstance, need support and companionship in the coming weeks.  With the prospect of social isolation increasingly likely,  we will all have to find ‘safe’ ways to communicate and to support each other.
  2. All parents and pupils are strongly encouraged to download the school communications app at: 
  3. Parents are requested to ensure that you tell us if there are any changes to your personal details. This is especially true for S4, 5 and 6 so that exam results arrive on time in August.
  4. We will continue to:
    1. Email key communications to you
    2. Use the App to alert you and
    3. We will place all key documents on our website.  
  5. Please find attached a document that summarises who to contact at JGHS if you need assistance or advice.

My quote of the week: ‘‘The future of the world is in my classroom today’ (IW Fitzwater)

My very best wishes to all.

Donald j Macdonald


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