Friday 28 August 2020

Friday 28 August

  1. Thanks to everyone in the JGHS community for your understanding and support as we settle back into the routine of school. The biggest change we made in our working practices during this past week was the expectation that all would wear face coverings whilst in busy areas of the school. I’m pleased to see that this been strongly supported by all in our community and has been extended across all of Scotland’s secondary schools.
  2. In relation to pupils seeking exemptions from wearing a face covering,  the following procedure will apply:
  3. If you would like your child to be exempt from this expectation, please email the school office or your child's Pupil Support Leader stating your child's name and reason for exemption.
    1. The Pupil Support Leader will then email school reception where a personalised exemption card will be prepared. (Cards will be ready from 0830 on Tuesday 1 September)
    2. This card will only have your child's name and class on it and will support your child demonstrate their exemption without having to go into any details.
  4. Earlier this week I met with our Pupil Voice leaders to reflect on progress and explore how we might further develop what we are doing to keep everyone safe.  We talked about the challenges around social distancing in communal spaces around the school and also whilst queuing at local shops. There isn’t an easy or obvious answer to this so we agreed to reflect and discuss at our next meeting. In the interim, all agreed that pupils would be encouraged to wear face coverings where social distancing was more difficult to achieve.
  5. Please encourage your son/daughter to dress appropriately for the unpredictable Scottish weather. Classroom windows will be opened to allow air circulation and, other than in really wet weather, pupils should be outdoors at breaks and lunchtimes.  
  6. I’m pleased that our S1 photographs went ahead on Wednesday morning as planned. In order to comply with Council Guidelines, these were taken in an outdoor space. The resulting photographs look terrific. After the draft ‘Proofs’ are delivered to school we will distribute these to you and share how you can order (online) copies as suits.
  7. All refunds from cancelled Spring/Summer excursions have now been processed on ParentPay. Thank you all for your patience.
  8. At this time of year we would expect common colds to become more widespread.  
    1. Please continue to access the NHS Guidance so that you will know when you should get tested for Covid19.
    2. As a school we will err on the side of caution if/when any pupil displays one or more of the three recognised Covid 19 symptoms.
    3. As always, email or phone the school if your child Is absent and do tell us if your family is waiting to be tested for Covid19. This is recorded differently in the school’s attendance register.
    4. Remember to tell us the results of the Covid19 test and when your child is returning to school.
  9. As we settle into a new school year we are aware you may be clearing out old revision books, success guides, textbooks etc.  If you would like to donate any of these items then we have set up a tray in the entrance foyer where your child could drop them off.  Due to our current situation, these resources cannot be shared as easily between students.  Therefore, any donations would be much appreciated by our Support for Learning Department and Equity and Attainment Hub.
  10. Look out for emails from our Parent Council. We have a very strong and active Parent Council and I would encourage you to get involved and engaged. The next meeting will be online and is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday 22 September.  


My quote for the week: ‘There is no education like adversity’. (Disraeli)


Best wishes to all for a restful and safe weekend.


Donald j Macdonald


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