Friday 21 August 2020

Friday 21 August

Firstly, my sincere thanks to all members of the JGHS community for your ongoing support as we re-form as a school community after a 5 month break. This past week has gone mainly to plan but there have been a few challenges. Pupils and staff are adjusting to new routines and, as circumstances and guidelines from the Scottish Government and the City of Edinburgh Council evolve, we will continue to adapt how we operate as a school. Please be reassured that our overriding priority is to keep everyone safe. All of our procedures and protocols will be kept under continuous review.


What’s working well?


  1. The positivity of pupils and their willingness to follow Health and Safety procedures
  2. Our attendance has been very high throughout the week. (95%)
  3. Our new S1s are settling in well and are enjoying High School. Our S6 befrienders/buddies have been stars!
  4. A one-way system operates effectively at ‘rush hour’
  5. All are regularly washing and sanitising hands.
  6. Desks and chairs are disinfected for each class changeover.
  7. Classrooms have been reorganised to ensure pupils are all facing in the same direction and to maintain a 2m distance between teachers and pupils.
  8. All pupils are outside in the fresh air at breaks and lunchtimes. During inclement weather, indoor spaces, by year groups, may be accessed.
  9. All pupils have worn face coverings whilst visiting local shops. (We phoned the shops at midday today to find out!)
  10. Parents are following the guidelines in keeping children off school when any of the Covid symptoms are being displayed. NHS Guidance
  11. Litter, across the school campus, is down by 99%.


What’s been challenging?

  1. Moving safely around crowded corridors with too few pupils wearing face coverings
  2. Pupils gathering in large groups outside of school at break and lunchtimes is unsettling for members of the wider community.
  3. Reassuring pupils, parents and staff who are anxious about being in a very large and busy school.
  4. Making alternative arrangements for some senior pupils who are (currently) not allowed to take classes in neighbouring schools.
  5. Offering the full range of activities in practical subjects such are Sciences and PE are limited at present
  6. Not being able to hold assemblies for large groups of pupils.

What will we do next week that’s different?

  1. From 0800 on Monday 24 August all adults and pupils must wear face coverings indoors whilst moving around between classes. Masks, face coverings and visors are available free of charge to anyone who has lost or forgotten their face covering. (This decision applies to JGHS and is based on feedback from pupils, parents and staff. Pupil Voice leaders, teaching unions and the school’s Health and Safety committee were all consulted and have unanimously endorsed this approach)
  2. We will review expectations of pupils in regards to distancing when they are out and about in the community during breaks and lunchtimes.




  1. S1 Photographs will be taken on the morning of Wednesday 26 August.
  2. School Trips (March to July 2020) refunds are now being processed. (Apologies for the delay)
  3. The dining room is up and running, A full range of snacks at reasonable prices is available at both break and lunchtimes.
  4. Teachers are currently being consulted on what changes could be made to courses and ongoing assessments so that exams can go ahead in May/June of 2021.
  5. I will email all pupils directly over the weekend.


And finally,


My quote for the week: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain.


Best wishes to all for a lovely and safe weekend.


Donald j Macdonald


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