Friday 28 June 2019

Friday 28 June

  1. Last night’s leavers’ ceremony at Greyfriar’s Kirk was a delight. It was lovely to have opportunity to bid fond farewells to our outgoing S6 and their families. Thanks to the 600+ who came along to support. Particular thanks to Ms McKenna, Ms Peters, Ms Fraser, Ms Kerr and Mr Porter and all the staff and pupils who worked behind the scenes to ensure the event ran smoothly.  Thanks to Councillor Melanie Main from the JG Trust who arranged for the reception at the City Chambers following the ceremony at the Kirk and to the Trust who part-funded the event.
  2. There are a number of staffing changes (28 in total) taking effect from August but, for today, I’ll share only the names of those who are leaving us for pastures new. Please be reassured that we will be fully staffed for August!
    1. Jane Eyre (PE) – Relocating to Glasgow
    2. Megan Westwood (RME/Psychology)_ - Career break
    3. Janine Marvin (School Support Assistant)  - promoted to Business Manager at Gylemuir PS
    4. Moira Leslie (Administrative Officer) – Early Retirement
    5. Oliver Reavell (Pupil Support Assistant) –  Teacher Training
    6. Lyn Reilly (Pupil Support Assistant) – Relocating to working in Early Years
  3. Dates
    1. Exam results will be shared with pupils on Tuesday 6 August.
    2. Pupils will be back at school from 0830 on Wednesday 14 August.
    3. A summary of all key school dates will be emailed to parents next week.

And finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff, pupils, parents and carers for your support throughout the past session. I feel privileged to be part of this wonderful school community. Please continue to share the many and varied stories of our pupils’ successes with me when we resume in August. I love learning of these and sharing more widely.

I wish everyone a lovely holiday and hope you all manage to spend quality time with family and friends.  

Donald j Macdonald

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