Friday, 1 July 2022

Friday 1 July

 As session 21/22 draws to a close, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in our school community and our partners for your unfailing support, understanding and kindness throughout the past session. On a personal note, thanks to all for your good wishes and lovely messages as my time as Headteacher at JGHS draws to a close. I wish you all continuing good health and every success for the future.


  1. Our calendar of events is almost complete. It will be shared with all families by the end of August.
  2. Warmest congratulation to our Young Carers support team who, this week, learned of gaining national recognition for their work in this area. As the number of pupils identified as young carers in our school continues to grow, we ensure that we provide individualised support to every pupil who has caring responsibilities. This involves making time to talk with each pupil in a supportive environment that respects each pupil’s circumstances. Our young carers’ staff working group has increased from 3 to 9 and awareness continues to be a priority across the school. If any parents, carers, school staff or pupils would like to find out more about our programme to support our young carers, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Richard Sievwright or Fiona Oatman.
  3. Last Saturday, students from our LGBT+ group and some members of staff attended the first Edinburgh Pride since before the pandemic. Over 20 members of the JGHS community attended, making us one of the largest school groups present. As the school banner was unfurled, a number of Gillespie's alumni came to say hello and march alongside their old school community. After the march, they moved to the Canongate Youth centre for face painting and music performances - including some by our own students. Well done and happy pride to everyone involved!
  4. Warrender Baths are a great local Swimming Club who are open to new members, and running swim taster sessions over the summer months. If you’d like to know more please contact or you can check out their website here.
  5. Well done to:
    1. Dominic SO (2L2) who achieved Grade 6 (with merit) in Piano.
    2. Bruno Bancalari-Ruiz (S3) who achieved Grade 5 in Jazz Saxophone with Trinity College London
    3. James Havard (S4) who won the U16 Boys Foil at the Secondary Schools Championship on 18th June
    4. Storme McCall (S2) and Esme Hobson (S2) who, earlier this month, together with their Spartans Football Club "Reilly" team mates won the final of the Scottish Women’s Football Under 14s South East Youth Regional League Cup, beating Musselburgh Windsor FC 3-2 in the final.
    5. Rhys Edwards (S5) who won the Scottish Time Trial Cycling Championships, successfully defending he title he won last year.
    6. Lachlan McDiarmid (S3) and  Alessandro MacDonald (S3) who were awarded their Chief Scouts Gold Award, the top award for Scouts.  This is a significant milestone to have achieved as Covid restrictions meant they did not have the usual camps or expeditions and they have had to do a lot of the work for the challenge badges themselves at home/in back gardens! 
  6. Dates:
    1. 15 August Staff resume
    2. 17 August Students resume


My quotes for the week:


‘Retirement is not the end of the road. It is the beginning of the open highway.’ (Source unknown)




‘Cha tig adhartas gun strì’  (Gaelic proverb)


Wishing all a wonderful summer and open highways to explore and enjoy.


 Donald j Macdonald

Friday, 24 June 2022

Friday 24 June

 In Support for Learning we have been celebrating the creative talents of our pupils. They are a lovely and talented bunch and it has been a wonderful opportunity for them to share their work with staff and pupils alike.

Exhibits over recent days included photography, print work, artwork, ceramics, tapestry, handmade patch work, handmade cushions and toys, an originally designed skateboard (made from a recycled skateboard,) animations, and metal work. Well done to all involved.


  1. Best wishes to members of our LBGT+ club who will be marching behind the JGHS banner at Edinburgh Pride this Saturday. Di look out for them and give them your support if you are there.
  2. Parents are reminded to give the school as much notice as possible of planned pupil absences. Do give us as much detail as possible so that we can determine what level of support is appropriate and whether the absence is to be authorised.
  3. The following message from Eoghann Dover of Blaze Basketball may be of interest:
    1. We will be running Basketball camps for the whole summer from 9am-1pm Monday to Friday.
    2. We will also be running S1&2 Camp from 1-3pm each day
    3. On Wednesdays High School Girls camp from 3-5pm
    4. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 3-5pm U16&18 mixed camp
    5. You can access all by following this link  If there are children who need financial help to attend please contact the organisers and they will share discount codes
  4. I was thrilled to hear of the large number of parents who have volunteered their expertise and services to students by coming in to school to share their industry knowledge. Thanks to Danielle Hart Adams, our school ‘Developing the Young Workforce’ (DYW) coordinator for her lead on this initiative. If you have not already made contact please contact Danielle directly to offer your skills, expertise and services. Our aim is to ensure that every school leaver achieves a positive and sustained post-school destination.
  5. On receiving a pupil ‘absence alert’ from the school parents are advised to not text that number as it is an automated number. If you wish to contact the school, please email us or phone 01314471900.
  6. Parents are reminded to notify the school with as much notice as possible
  7. Updated Covid protocols. In line with Government Guidelines, Students, staff and visitors are encouraged to wear face coverings in communal spaces indoors but this is at each individual’s discretion. Given the increased roll and potential congestion  in our school, we are planning to retain our ‘one-way’ travel system at peak movement times.
    1. As you may be aware, Public Health Advice on COVID continues to evolve, Fuller details can be found here.  In summary, the Stay at Home Guidance for people will be:
      1. Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight  cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.
      2. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
  1. Well done to:
    1. Kirsty Johnson, S6,  who is the sole, female, competitive track and road cyclist (aged 16-22) selected  to be part of 'Team Scotland Achieve 2022', an education programme designed to inspire the next generation of Scottish athletes.  Through attending the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham this summer, along with a programme of activities and workshops, it aims to assist her in preparation for representing Scotland in future Games. 
    2. Dominic SO (2L2) who won a silver medal in the Scottish Secondary School Championships U14 Boys Foil in last Saturday 18 June 2022. 
    3. To all the pupils who participated in this year's Carnegie Shadowing programme.  This is the UK's longest running children’s book award, with the Carnegie medal first being presented in 1936. The shadowing scheme invites young people to read, discuss and review the shortlisted books, and vote for their favourite. Over the last three months, interested students have met on a regular basis to share their views and enjoy related activities.  This culminated in a final celebratory event on Monday 20th June. Congratulations to all involved, on a really enjoyable and worthwhile project!
    4. Storme McCall (S2) and Esme Hobson (S2) who, together with their Spartans Football Club "Reilly" team mates, won the final of the Scottish Women’s Football Under 14s South East Youth Regional League Cup, beating Musselburgh Windsor FC 3-2 at Ainslie Park on Saturday 12th June 2022.
    5. All athletes w
    6. Gillespie's water polo team who scooped the plate at last week's Scottish Schools Championships in Dunfermline. After a couple of early losses, the 10 players found their form, and won the next four matches in a row. The team, captained by GB squad member Ali Shippey, put on a fine show of skills and teamwork in a friendly atmosphere with excellent and sometimes humorous commentary.  The 8 teams competing were required to field a female player and a non-club player in every match, making it a more inclusive event. Our non-club players excelled, and scored many of the goals! Congratulations to Andrew Wright, Anna Nimmo, Daniel Chowings, Evelyn Watson, Finlay Pringle, Quinn Ungless, Rosa Green, Seren Fothergill, Shuai Gao, Ali and coach Neal Rayner who coaches sessions at school and is the head coach at Warrender Water Polo. If any students are interested in playing in one of the world's toughest sport, book in to next year's Active Schools sessions or get in touch with Warrender Water Polo for some free trial sessions.
  2. Dates:
    1. 27 June Alcohol education assemblies for S3
    2. 28 June S6 leavers’ ceremony and Prom
    3. 1 July Term ends at midday
    4. 17 August Students resume


My quote for the week: ““You are the one thing in this world, above all other things, that you must never give up on. When I was in middle school, I was struggling with severe anxiety and depression and the help and support I received from my family and a therapist saved my life. Asking for help is the first step. You are more precious to this world than you’ll ever know.” (Lili Reinhart American actress)

 Wishing all a weekend filled with sunshine.

Donald j Macdonald

Friday, 17 June 2022

Friday 17 June

 I’m still buzzing after attending two special events last week and sharing such a wonderful evening with colleagues and students. On Tuesday evening, the 80th birthday celebration for Aonghas ‘Dubh’ MacNeacail in the Queen’s Hall and, on Friday, Mike McGeary’s Charity concert in the Usher Hall both provided memories that will endure. I couldn’t be prouder of all our students - present and past -  who graced the stages.


  1. After a week’s delay, I was relieved and delighted that we changed timetable for session 22/23 on Monday of this week. Over the next few days we will continue to work on resolving any anomalies that have arisen. I’d like to express my thanks to our timetabling team and all of my colleagues for their efforts in getting things ready and resolving any lingering issues. Very best wishes to all of our pupils as they embark on their next year of study with us at JGHS.
  2. Locker key return – students are requested to please return your locker key to the Welfare Office by Friday 24 June. Lockers should be emptied of all contents prior to handing in the key.
  3. Following message from Eoghann Dover of Blaze Basketball:
    1. We will be running Basketball camps for the whole summer from 9am-1pm Monday to Friday.
    2. We will also be running S1&2 Camp from 1-3pm each day
    3. On Wednesdays High School Girls camp from 3-5pm
    4. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 3-5pm U16&18 mixed camp
    5. You can access all by following this link  If there are children who need financial help to attend please contact the organisers and they will share discount codes
  4. I was thrilled to hear of the large number of parents who have volunteered their expertise and services to students by coming in to school to share their industry knowledge. Thanks to Danielle Hart Adams, our school ‘Developing the Young Workforce’ (DYW) coordinator for her lead on this initiative. If you have not already made contact please contact Danielle directly to offer your skills, expertise and services. Our aim is to ensure that every school leaver achieves a positive and sustained post-school destination.
  5. On receiving a pupil ‘absence alert’ from the school parents are advised to not text that number as it is an automated number. If you wish to contact the school, please email us or phone 01314471900.
  6. Parents are invited to remind all of our S6 leavers to return all borrowed books (including library books) and apparatus to the school asap. No entry to the leavers’ breakfast and Prom if these are not returned beforehand.
  7. Updated Covid protocols. In line with Government Guidelines, Students, staff and visitors are encouraged to wear face coverings in communal spaces indoors but this is at each individual’s discretion. Given the increased roll and potential congestion  in our school, we are planning to retain our ‘one-way’ travel system at peak movement times.
    1. As you may be aware, Public Health Advice on COVID continues to evolve, Fuller details can be found here.  In summary, the Stay at Home Guidance for people will be:
      1. Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight  cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.
      2. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
  1. Well done to:
    1. Everyone who performed at the Queen's Hall on Tuesday of last week to mark the 80th Birthday of Gaelic poet Aonghas ‘Dubh’ MacNeacail. I was bursting with pride watching our amazing young people perform alongside some of the biggest names in the Gaelic and traditional music world.
    2. Everyone who was involved in Mike McGeary's Charity Concert at the Usher Hall on Friday last week. It was an amazing evening raising money for some fantastic charities. We were delighted that our youngsters got the opportunity to perform and are incredibly proud of all involved!
    3. Nora Trew-Rae (S5) who finished as one of two runners-up in the Edinburgh finals for Scottish Young Musician of the Year. Alexander Davidson (Head of Instrumental Music in Moray) who judged the competition was blown away with the quality of all the entries!
    4. Andrew Wright, 5L5, who, whilst participating in the Scottish rowing Championships from 3rd to the 5th of June at Strathclyde Park, achieved the following:
      1. Silver for pairs for under 18s (OJ18 2-)
      2. Gold for coxed 4 under 18s (OJ18 4+)
      3. Gold for coxless 4 under 18s (OJ18 4-).'
    5. All athletes who represented JGHS at the SSAA Track and Field Championships at Grangemouth Stadium last week. Special congratulations to the following pupils who achieved the following results;
      1. Fraser Lupton (new S3) who came 2nd in the under 15 boys 800m with a time of 2:04:21 mins 
      2. Jessica Taylor (new S4) who came 5th in the under 15 girls 1500m with a time of 5:05:58 mins
      3. Bethan Kitchin (new S3) who came 5th in the under 15 girls 800m with a time of 2:25:02 mins.
  2. Dates:
    1. 27 June Alcohol education assemblies for S3
    2. 28 June S6 leavers’ ceremony and Prom
    3. 1 July Term ends at midday
    4. 17 August Students resume


My quote for the week: “Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears – it is a remedy, a tonic, orange juice for the ear. But for many of my neurological patients, music is even more – it can provide access, even when no medication can, to movement, to speech, to life. For them, music is not a luxury, but a necessity.” (Oliver Sacks, best-selling author and professor of neurology at NYU School Of Medicine)



Wishing all a fantastic weekend.



Donald j Macdonald

Friday 10 June

 On Monday of this week, we were delighted to welcome back our S4 and S5 pupils after exam leave. On behalf of Mr Shankland, our SQA Coordinator, thanks to everyone who contributed to and helped with the smooth running of our SQA final exam diet over the last six weeks.  In early August, students will receive their exam results and, for that, I wish them every success.


Once again, I apologise for the delay in launching our new timetable for session 22/23. The arrangements for distributing the new timetables to all students on the morning of Monday 13 June will be issued by email to all parents and Students by email.


  1. I was thrilled to hear of the large number of parents who have volunteered their expertise and services to students by coming in to school to share their industry knowledge. Thanks to Danielle Hart Adams, our school ‘Developing the Young Workforce’ (DYW) coordinator for her lead on this initiative. If you have not already made contact please contact Danielle directly to offer your skills, expertise and services. Our aim is to ensure that every school leaver achieves a positive and sustained post-school destination.
  2. This week is ‘Carers’ Week’ and the theme this year is making carers feel visible, valued and supported. The young carer group in JGHS is working hard behind the scenes with many more young carers being identified and referred to young carers’ organisations. Meetings with support workers have been taking place within school and the young people are getting the support they so desperately need. During this term Jenny Lewis, schools project manager from Edinburgh Young Carers, came into school to deliver awareness sessions to all S1 and S2 students during PSE. JGHS also have a mention on EYC Twitter page @EYCP.  If you would like further information, please contact either Fiona Oatman or Richard Sievwright who are both staff at the school.
  3. On receiving a pupil ‘absence alert’ from the school parents are advised to not text that number as it is an automated number. If you wish to contact the school, please email us or phone 01314471900.
  4. A lost property stall will be held in Bruntsfield house on Friday 17th June during morning break. If your child has lost any items, please ask them to come and check. Everything left after this date will be donated to charity.
  5. Parents are invited to remind all of our S6 leavers to return all borrowed books (including library books) and apparatus to the school asap. No entry to the leavers’ breakfast and Prom if these are not returned beforehand.
  6. On Monday of this week, Mrs Nikki Graham started in her new role as Mental Health Coordinator.  Mrs Sarah Britton will take on the PSL role for Lauder ((L4, 5 and 6) for the duration of Mrs Graham’s secondment.
  7. Headteacher recruitment update: A separate email will be despatched to parents/carers today to share plans from August 2022.
  8. During this warmer weather all students are reminded to drink fresh water regularly throughout the day. All are requested to bring their own water bottles and to refill these at breaks or between classes. High energy drinks are not allowed in school.
  9. Now that home testing for COVID is no longer recommended we have a number of unused testing kits. The NHS has advised that we can offer these for free to staff / students / parents who might have vulnerable family members who still require tests. Please contact the school office if you wish to arrange to collect these from us.
  10. Updated Covid protocols. In line with Government Guidelines, Students, staff and visitors are encouraged to wear face coverings in communal spaces indoors but this is at each individual’s discretion. Given the increased roll and potential congestion  in our school, we are planning to retain our ‘one-way’ travel system at peak movement times.
    1. As you may be aware, Public Health Advice on COVID continues to evolve, Fuller details can be found here.  In summary, the Stay at Home Guidance for people will be:
      1. Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight  cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.
      2. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
  1. Well done to:
    1. Jessica Taylor (S3) competing at Bellahouston Park in Glasgow last week, became the Scottish National Youth (U16) Triathlon Champion.
    2. Lily Moss (2L2) who became Scottish Lead Climbing Champion for her age group last weekend. This adds to the Scottish Bouldering Title she won at the Scottish Youth Bouldering Championships in May.
    3. Cole Turnbull (S5) who, among other employment related achievements in recent weeks, competed in ‘Scottish Volleyball Finals Weekend’  playing for Scotland U23s team, won U18s cup final as part of NUVOC Team and was voted ‘U18 Most Valuable Player’ in Scotland.
    4. Lucy Robertson (6S1) who was awarded this year's Hopper Award for Excellent in Computing Science. This award was given to the school by a Scottish charity named dressCode. dressCode was founded with the aim of closing the gender gap in Computing Science within Scottish schools. This award is to be given to one female presenting pupil each year who has proven themselves to be an excellent Computing Scientist. The name of the award was chosen to honour a renowned computing scientist named Grace Hopper.  Hopper was a pioneering programmer who developed some of the earliest programming languages and developed the first compiler which led to modern programmers being able to write code with human-like language rather than 1's and 0's. The Computing Science department aim to continue this award in future years to provide a specific opportunity to showcase female pupils in any year group who achieve success in Computing Science.
    5. Josh Daunt who won the Edinburgh Marathon Festival (EMF) 2k Junior Race 1 males event with a time of 7mins 4secs and to his older brother Dylan Daunt who came 3rd in the EMF Jnr 5k males event with a time of 17mins 18secs.
    6. The follow pupils for their achievements in the recent Scottish Schools Orienteering festival.
      1. Lucy Ward who won S1 girls class; Freya Mowbray was 3rd on S2 girls with Bethan Kitchin 8th
      2. In the boys’ competitions, Ben Ross was 3rd in S2, and Laurence Ward was 3rd in the S3 race.
      3. In the S4 boys category,  Sam Kitchin, Sam Bartlett and Thomas Ross were 3rd team and the
      4. S2 boys (Ben Ross, Reuben Murdoch and Eddie Melvin) were 1st team, so a really successful day all around.
  2. Dates:
    1. 10 June Charity Guitar Gig at Usher Hall
    2. 13 June New Timetable begins (Details in a separate email)
    3. 13 June P7 Welcome and Open Night (P7 parents emailed separately)
    4. 17 June Lost Property stall in Bruntsfield House


My quote for the week: “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” (Nelson Mandela)


Wishing all a lovely weekend.


Friday 27 May

 Over the past few days, it has been a pleasure to welcome P7s from our associated Primary Schools. Those P7s will begin their journey with us at JGHS in August as our new S1s. I was really impressed with all those who were with us and I take this opportunity to thank all our staff and students who made our visitors feel so welcome.


  1. Warmest congratulations to Laura Stewart on gaining the permanent Depute Headteacher (DHT) post (replacing Jeff Warden who left JGHS in December 2021). Laura has been in an acting DHT capacity over the past 2 years and is, among other key areas, currently the school lead on capacity planning and our occupation of the Darroch annexe after the summer.
  2. Parent Council news:
    • The post of Headteacher at JGHS was advertised by the Council at the beginning of May, with the hope that a replacement for the school’s retiring Head, Donald Macdonald, could be put in post as close as possible to his departure date in August.  That advert has now closed, and the Council have decided that the post should be re-advertised to allow more time for all prospective candidates to register an interest.  This will take place after the summer holidays at the beginning of the 2022/23 school session. For the period up to Christmas, the Council are planning to designate an Acting Headteacher, and are hoping to recruit a suitable candidate from amongst the secondary Headteachers in Edinburgh.
    • Parent representatives have been working with the Council to find the best way forward in this process. The Parent Council has emphasised the importance of a capable, committed and enthusiastic acting Headteacher being in place as soon as possible so they are able to work with Mr Macdonald in the run-up to his retirement and can take over smoothly after the summer.  They have also stressed that the new recruitment process should be a dynamic and open one, which is advertised as widely as possible and will maximise the possibility of a competitive range of candidates being attracted to the role.
  1. Parents are invited to go online on Wednesday 1st June 2022 (630 – 730 Pm) to attend an Anti-Bullying Information Session for Parents & Carers in Edinburgh : The event is Free. Join us to find out more about what you can do to support children and young people affected by bullying. Organised by Edinburgh City Council in partnership with ‘Respectme’, Scotland’s anti-bulling organisation. This session for parents and carers will help you to understand more about bullying and how to respond effectively whether it's happening online or offline.
    1. How to register: - this link takes you to the registration page.
  2. During this warmer weather all students are reminded to drink fresh water regularly throughout the day. All are requested to bring their own water bottles and to refill these at breaks or between classes. High energy drinks are not allowed in school.
  3. Now that home testing for COVID is no longer recommended we have a number of unused testing kits. The NHS has advised that we can offer these for free to staff / students / parents who might have vulnerable family members who still require tests. Please contact the school office if you wish to arrange to collect these from us.
  4. Updated Covid protocols. In line with Government Guidelines, Students, staff and visitors are encouraged to wear face coverings in communal spaces indoors but this is at each individual’s discretion. Given the increased roll and potential congestion  in our school, we are planning to retain our ‘one-way’ travel system at peak movement times.
    1. As you may be aware, Public Health Advice on COVID continues to evolve with the next significant changes taking effect from this Sunday (1 May). Fuller details can be found here.  In summary, the Stay at Home Guidance for people will be:
      1. Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight  cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.
      2. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
      3. Adults who have symptoms of COVID-19 and who have a fever or are too unwell to carry out normal activities will be asked to ‘stay at home’ whilst they are unwell or have a fever.  They will no longer be advised to take a PCR test.
      4. In other words, from Sunday 1 May public health advice will change to a ‘stay at home’ message replacing self-isolation for people who have symptoms or have tested positive.
    1. You should also be aware that as set out in the Highest Risk List will cease on 31 May. These changes will be incorporated in a further update at the end of May. 
  1. Well done to:
    1. Catie McKendrick (S2) who won her first rowing competition at the weekend in a rowing regatta.
    2. Trudy Patrick (S2)  who was successful at a district swimming meet held in Glenrothes last week. Trudy came 1st in the200m backstroke, Girls under 13; 2nd in both the 100m and 50m backstroke and 4th in the 50m freestyle.
  2. Dates:
    1. 2 and 3 June Holidays
    2. 6 June All resume
    3. 10 June Charity Guitar Gig at Usher Hall


My quote for the week: “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.“ (M W Edelman_


Wishing all a lovely weekend.


Friday, 20 May 2022

Friday 20 May

Throughout next week, we look forward to welcoming around 310  P7s from our associated Primary Schools. The visits will give our P7s opportunity to sample High School life ahead of them joining us in August. Regrettably, our usual 3 day visit for all P7s cannot go ahead in June this year as the eagerly awaited additional accommodation at Darroch will not be completed until later this summer.


  1. Our staff are actively raising the profile of our commitment to supporting the mental health of our young people and each other.  Mental health Lanyards are being allocated to staff who have completed training in mental health so that they can be easily identified by our students as staff who are willing to be approached by any young person in distress. As more staff are trained, we hope more will wear these lanyards.  Key adults will chat to students about this soon to raise awareness.
  2. Following concerns from members of the public,  our local Police Officers will have an increased presence in the vicinity of the school at peak times to address the issue of cars being dangerously parked near the school.  Those choosing to drop off or collect students are requested to park further from the school to avoid congestion and increased risk to others.
  3. All members of the JGHS community are invited to attend the online launch of the findings of the pioneering research project on the impact of Covid-19 on children of colour in Scotland. This will be a very important research project and tool informing research, policy and practice in Scotland. Well done to Ashaanka Sarma (2R1) who was on the advisory board. Details of how to join are here.
  4. Parents are invited to go online on Wednesday 1st June 2022 (630 – 730 Pm) to attend an Anti-Bullying Information Session for Parents & Carers in Edinburgh : The event is Free. Join us to find out more about what you can do to support children and young people affected by bullying. Organised by Edinburgh City Council in partnership with ‘Respectme’, Scotland’s anti-bulling organisation. This session for parents and carers will help you to understand more about bullying and how to respond effectively whether it's happening online or offline.
    1. How to register: - this link takes you to the registration page.
  5. The following supports are being arranged in an attempt to deal with the misuse of social media - particularly with S1 pupils. 
  6. As part of our continuing efforts to support students to make better decisions on how they use social media to interact safely and respectfully with others the following are being organised:
    1. There will be a presentation for S1 parents on how to support their children to use social media safely and responsibly. This will be delivered by a specialist police officer later this term. Dates and details as yet to be confirmed.
    2. Parents will be emailed a leaflet on supporting their children to use social media safely. This will be sent with the invitation to the talk.
    3. PC Mackenzie will deliver an in-depth assembly to S1 about cyber-crime and social media Friday 20th May.
    4. We are hoping this assembly will also be delivered to S2 and S3 pupils at a later date.
    5. PC Mackenzie will start running a “police surgery” at break and straight after school starting this Friday. Pupils could come and discuss their concerns/report issues directly to her.
  7. During this warmer weather all students are reminded to drink fresh water regularly throughout the day. All are requested to bring their own water bottles and to refill these at breaks or between classes. High energy drinks are not allowed in school.
  8. Now that home testing for COVID is no longer recommended we have a number of unused testing kits. The NHS has advised that we can offer these for free to staff / students / parents who might have vulnerable family members who still require tests. Please contact the school office if you wish to arrange to collect these from us.
  9. The recording of this week’s Parent Council meeting this week is now available on the PC website together with the presentation by the school’s new Mental Health Coordinator, Nikki Graham. Nikki is looking for parents to collaborate in her work on supporting mental health in the school and discusses her plans in the presentation. If you would be interested, contact the PC on or get in touch direct with the school.
  10. Updated Covid protocols. In line with Government Guidelines, Students, staff and visitors are encouraged to wear face coverings in communal spaces indoors but this is at each individual’s discretion. Given the increased roll and potential congestion  in our school, we are planning to retain our ‘one-way’ travel system at peak movement times.
    1. As you may be aware, Public Health Advice on COVID continues to evolve with the next significant changes taking effect from this Sunday (1 May). Fuller details can be found here.  In summary, the Stay at Home Guidance for people will be:
      1. Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight  cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.
      2. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
      3. Adults who have symptoms of COVID-19 and who have a fever or are too unwell to carry out normal activities will be asked to ‘stay at home’ whilst they are unwell or have a fever.  They will no longer be advised to take a PCR test.
      4. In other words, from Sunday 1 May public health advice will change to a ‘stay at home’ message replacing self-isolation for people who have symptoms or have tested positive.
    1. You should also be aware that as set out in the Highest Risk List will cease on 31 May. These changes will be incorporated in a further update at the end of May. 
  1. Well done to:
    1. Fraser Lupton (2R2) who competed in the 800m East Districts Championships at the weekend and finished a close second with a time of 2:02:67.
    2. Clara Dick (S1) and Abby Harbisher (S2) who were selected to play for the Scotland Girls U14's basketball team and competed in the Four Nations tournament in Dundee last weekend.
    3. Marcus Herbert (S1) who, on finding a bus pass belonging to a member of the public, made great efforts to contact the owner so it could be returned. 
  2. Dates:
    1. 2 and 3 June Holidays
    2. 10 June Charity Guitar Gig at Usher Hall


My quote for the week: "The things you really need are few and easy to come by; but the things you can imagine you need are infinite, and you will never be satisfied’’ (Epicurus – ancient Greek Philosopher)


Wishing all a lovely weekend.


Friday 13 May

Studies have long shown that reading and being read to can have positive impacts on mental health. It’s a good way to relax, unwind and enjoy time with others. So, that’s how we marked Mental Health Awareness Week this year. Staff came to the library on Wednesday at lunchtime to read stories, poetry, and passages from some of their favourite books. Colleagues and pupils came to enjoy the readings and they were delighted! Everyone thought it was a good experience, and we’re hoping to make it a regular event. My sincere thanks to all involved and especially to Ms Adenekan (one of two Librarians) for organising the event.


Over recent weeks, we have seen a gradual re-introduction of school excursions. I was really pleased to hear glowing praise for JGHS students who have been involved in working towards Duke of Edinburgh accreditation. Well done and thanks to all involved.


  1. Now that home testing for COVID is no longer recommended we have a number of unused testing kits. The NHS has advised that we can offer these for free to staff / students / parents who might have vulnerable family members who still require tests. Please contact the school office if you wish to arrange to collect these from us.
  2. A reminder from the Parent Council that the next meeting is on Tuesday 17 May at 7pm.  Nikki Graham, the school’s Mental Health Coordinator, will be talking about her post and mental health support at the school.  We will also hear from our Headteacher, Donald Macdonald, in his last Parent Council meeting before his retirement in the summer.  We will send out the link before the meeting via the school email.  Please email the PC at by 12 noon on Monday if you have any questions or issues you would like included in the Headteacher’s update. For further information on the work of the PC please see where you can also find recordings of previous meetings.
  3. Staffing: congratulations to Ms MacIver (Curriculum Leader for Gaelic Medium Education (GME)) who was appointed to the post of Depute Headteacher (GME) earlier this week.  We will shortly share an update of staffing changes across the school with all parents.
  4. We are grateful to Mr McGeary (Guitar Instructor) for giving JGHS students an opportunity to perform at a fundraising event at the Usher Hall on Friday 10th June. Some of the proceeds from this event will be used to fund more music therapy from Nordoff Robbins. The performers will include the James Gillespie's High School junior choir, a guitar orchestra featuring past and present pupils and much more. A huge cast of musicians performing rock, folk, classical and film themes! The evening will also include a tribute to our late friend Dave Leslie, a former head of music at JGHS. The ticket price (£18.15) includes a programme and booking fee, and due to some very generous sponsorship, every single penny goes to support charities. Tickets can be purchased at the Usher Hall box office:
  5. Updated Covid protocols. In line with Government Guidelines, Students, staff and visitors are encouraged to wear face coverings in communal spaces indoors but this is at each individual’s discretion. Given the increased roll and potential congestion  in our school, we are planning to retain our ‘one-way’ travel system at peak movement times.
    1. As you may be aware, Public Health Advice on COVID continues to evolve with the next significant changes taking effect from this Sunday (1 May). Fuller details can be found here.  In summary, the Stay at Home Guidance for people will be:
      1. Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight  cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.
      2. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
      3. Adults who have symptoms of COVID-19 and who have a fever or are too unwell to carry out normal activities will be asked to ‘stay at home’ whilst they are unwell or have a fever.  They will no longer be advised to take a PCR test.
      4. In other words, from Sunday 1 May public health advice will change to a ‘stay at home’ message replacing self-isolation for people who have symptoms or have tested positive.
    1. You should also be aware that as set out in the Highest Risk List will cease on 31 May. These changes will be incorporated in a further update at the end of May. 
  1. Dates:
    1. 17 and 19 May S2 Parents’ evenings
    2. 17 May Parent Council meeting
    3. 10 June Charity Guitar Gig at Usher Hall


My quote for the week: "You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world! This room's the greatest arsenal we could have - arm yourselves!" (11th Doctor Who)


Best wishes to all for a lovely weekend.


Friday, 6 May 2022

Friday 6 May

 The SQA exams are running smoothly – continuing best wishes and good luck to all who are involved.


  1. We are currently experiencing an increase in the numbers of younger pupils who are misusing online media to post inappropriate content about others. Edinburgh secondary school pupils are being targeted as part of a vile TikTok cyberbullying trend. The anonymous social media accounts, set up during the school Easter holidays, pick on pupils by leaving nasty comments – including those of a sexual nature. Accompanying the slurs are clues as to a pupil’s identity and even partial images of faces as peers are encouraged to guess their identity. Parents are requested to discuss this trend with their children and contact the school if you have any concerns so that appropriate action is taken to educate and support all involved.
  2. The next Parent Council will be held on Tuesday 17 May at 7pm.  Please email the PC at if you have any questions or issues you would like included in the Head Teacher’s update. If you would like to catch up on previous meetings, they are on PC website at: We will send out the link to join the meeting via the school email nearer the time. 
  3. All pupils in S1-S3 to take part in a survey about their health and wellbeing. The findings will help our local authority to understand the needs, strengths and possible concerns of children and young people, which will help plan future improvements to local services. Please look out for a letter which you should receive that will provide you with more detailed information about the Census, and provides you with the opportunity to let us know if you don’t wish your child to take part.
  4. On Monday 9 and Monday 16 Modern Languages will welcome P6 students (approx 150 per day) from our associated primary schools for a day of language learning at JGHS.
  5. Updated Covid protocols. In line with Government Guidelines, Students, staff and visitors are encouraged to wear face coverings in communal spaces indoors but this is at each individual’s discretion. Given the increased roll and potential congestion  in our school, we are planning to retain our ‘one-way’ travel system at peak movement times.
    1. As you may be aware, Public Health Advice on COVID continues to evolve with the next significant changes taking effect from this Sunday (1 May). Fuller details can be found here.  In summary, the Stay at Home Guidance for people will be:
      1. Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight  cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.
      2. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
      3. Adults who have symptoms of COVID-19 and who have a fever or are too unwell to carry out normal activities will be asked to ‘stay at home’ whilst they are unwell or have a fever.  They will no longer be advised to take a PCR test.
      4. In other words, from Sunday 1 May public health advice will change to a ‘stay at home’ message replacing self-isolation for people who have symptoms or have tested positive.
    1. You should also be aware that as set out in the Highest Risk List will cease on 31 May. These changes will be incorporated in a further update at the end of May. 
  1. Congratulations to:
    1. Sam Macnamara who achieved Grade 1 Saxophone with merit
    2. Daniel Chowings who achieved Grade 3 Piano with merit
    3. William Wardlow (classical guitar) and Carla Brunelli Bonnet (cello) who have been accepted into the Junior Conservatoire at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.
    4. Several talented guitarists who took part in a concert last Friday in Duddingston Kirk and in doing raised the magnificent sum of £305 which will help a Ukrainian family settle in the Portobello area. The Kirk minister has already sourced free accommodation for the family for the next two years and the money we raised will help them buy groceries upon their arrival. The pupils who took part  were Alexandre Sabino Hunt, William Warlow, Elizabeth Mole, Chloe Stirling, Flora Mitchell, Dylan Daunt, Ula Brooke’s, Flynn Conroy and former pupil Oliver Coombs. Our pupils performed in ensemble and Flora, William, Alexandre and Oliver played solos to an appreciative audience.
  2. Dates:
    1. 10 and 12 May S1 Parents’ evenings
    2. 17 and 19 May S2 Parents’ evenings
    3. 17 May Parent Council meeting


My quote for the week: “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.“ (Franklin D. Roosevelt)



Wishing all a lovely weekend.

